We at Ethon strive to carefully screen the candidates from various sources, do thorough interviews with the prospects and evaluate their communication & soft skills. We then present every resume with an executive synopsis that enables you to get a perspective of the candidature of the candidate. We highlight the strengths & previous related experience to provide you with more insight upfront to take a quick decision.
We have got enormous contacts to source the best candidates for your IT requirements, and sensitive to give individual care and attention to every detail. Our Technical Recruiters understand your language. When a job requisition is received, they have the capacity to visualize the exact profile of the candidate that you are seeking. This enables them to source the right match for your specific requirements in the shortest possible time.
We present the most competent and technically superior candidates. We give individual care and attention to details mentioned by the Hiring Managers. We take every care to ensure that the recommended candidates will deliver on the job-site. At Ethon, Quality is an uncompromising standard. We have got repeat business from our clients because of our consistency in Quality for the resources that we present.
Each candidate is presented with an Executive Summary in the accompanying email. We thoroughly screen and technically check the candidates. The Executive Summary consists of the key achievements & technical strengths of the candidate that are relevant to the client position. We also list all the major clients that the candidate has previously worked, more importantly in the similar industry or profession as the client position. This enables you to get an in-depth idea of the candidate without spending precious time and energy in going through the entire resume. It also gives you a comfort factor to know that our Recruiters have gone through the details of the candidate profile to match with your position.
Our Recruiters understands the technologies of our clients. If the job requirement is in a particular industry, we try wherever possible to present candidates who have similar industry experience in their career progression. Just a few things we do to ensure that we recommend the best candidate for any of your positions.
the first lesson we learn at Ethon is to build a strong set of value based ethical work principles. We maintain the highest level of Integrity & Honesty. We have got repeat business from our clients simply because they respect us for our Work Ethics.
we continuously spend our resources in building and maintaining a continuously growing database of local talent in varied skill sets. This enables us to present our clients with local candidates for all the requirements that they have.